If you ask these parents, ‘What’s their baby mean to them ?’ You’ll almost definitely hear different kind of answers.
But let me begin with my story.
It all started when my wife gave birth to our first baby boy, Nelson, just 20 months ago.
When it came to finding a name for him, surprisingly we didn’t find it hard to agree. I wanted this boy’s name to begin with N just like Natalia, so I opened baby’s name dictionary and found Nelson.
According to the book, Nelson means son of a champion. Beside that, I’m also a great admirer of Nelson Mandela and last but not least, Nelson stands for Natalia and Andrew lovely son. So we have all the right reasons.
Since Nelson came to our life, I started to understand and feel what parent’s love really is.
And this feeling is unthinkable before he was born.
What we’ve experienced for the last 20 months is nothing but a bless from God, as I knew there are lots of babies who’re out there in the cold and not getting the love they deserve from their parents. Nelson is a very lucky boy.
From day one, I watched Lia and Nelson relationship grew from strength to strength. I believe it’s one of the most amazing and beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She has done everything every mother should do for their babies.
She is a wonderful mother for Nelson and I hope she stays this way forever.
What I saw has somehow convinced me that there’s probably nothing else quite like mother & child relationship.
It is truly a special relationship.
So for the last 20 months, I started to make pictures for young families.
I understand how much the parents, particularly the mothers, wanted to make these pictures with their babies and how much the pictures meant for them. But what I really hope is that, years from now the children will see how much they mean to their parents when they look at these pictures.
That is the spirit of Mommy&Baby.
We wish you all happy holidays !